星期一, 十月 14, 2013
星期六, 九月 28, 2013
使用文件夹分类整理相关的书签。尽量使用缩写为文件夹命名,比如用WS代表Web Service,用WD代表Web Design,G代表Google等等;甚至可以用特殊字符来突出显示重要的文件夹,比如用@代表Todo等等。将文件夹集中放置在书签栏的一侧,以便于快速访问书签。
星期日, 七月 21, 2013
--安杰依·祖沃夫斯基(Andrzej Żuławski)
星期六, 七月 20, 2013
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
– Albert Einstein
星期四, 五月 09, 2013
The Older Reader
这个夏天,就要和Google Reader说再见了。虽然有很多不舍得,但生活还得继续,RSS还要继续看。THE OLDER READER就是一个有着和Google Reader类似的界面和操作的在线RSS阅读器。
登陆THE OLDER READER后,首先会显示一个包含订阅列表和统计信息的主页,主要有以下几部分组成:
- 搜索框,可以对所订阅内容进行全文搜索;
- 订阅按钮,输入网址或RSS地址进行订阅;
- 订阅列表,以文件夹形式列示所订阅的RSS;
- 未读项目,显示最近更新的未读日志;
- 朋友共享,显示朋友分享的日志;
- 最新动态,显示THE OLDER READER的新闻和更新;
- 最近更新,显示最近有更新的订阅;
- 僵尸订阅,显示很长时间都没有更新的订阅;
- 其它资源,显示系统的使用技巧和相关的网络资源等。
- 社交,可以查看自己分享的日志,关注你感兴趣的人;
- 文件夹,用于分类管理你的订阅,直接双击可以更改名称;
- 订阅,左侧竖条标识正在阅读的订阅,并在订阅的名称后显示未读条目的数字;
- 阅读状态,左侧竖条用于标识尚未阅读的日志,阅读日志后,此竖条将自动消失;
- 订阅信息,显示网站和Feed信息,并可以点击“Unsubscibe”按钮进行退订;
- 操作按钮,刷新和将日志置为已读;
- 导航按钮,移动至上一日志、下一日志,在全文和列表模式间切换,排序,显示未读或全部日志;
- 日志按钮,在每条日志的结尾,将显示一组按钮,用于保存至getpocket.com,分享日志,将日志置为已读,收藏日志。
点击?键,可以显示系统的快捷键。THE OLDER READER与Google Reader的快捷键基本一致:比如用j键移动到下一日志,用k键移动到上一日志,用m键将日志置为已读或未读状态。而用b键在后台页面打开日志,则是很贴心的设计。当发现有兴趣详细阅读或需要保存(到Evernote)的信息时,就可以在后台打开页面并在稍后继续研读;而仍然停留在THE OLDER READER页面,则可以保证顺畅地浏览大量日志。
现在的THE OLDER READER还没有Google Reader那样完善:比如还没有针对移动设备的应用程序,比如还没有将日志发送到邮件的功能。但是THE OLDER READER简洁的界面和丰富的快捷键,都与Google Reader非常类似,再加上可以导入Google Reader订阅,可以使用Google Account登录。THE OLDER READER,也许能让你重温Google Reader旧梦。
星期四, 四月 11, 2013
Hyperion FDM - POV Toolbar
- Point of View Mode
- Global-change the period and category for all users
- Local-only changing for the power user
- System Lock Status
- Open-all users can log in
- Locked-locks the system for maintenance, only power users can log in
- Active Adapter
- Adapters are location specific. We assign an adapter to the application as a default. We call this to the system code
星期日, 四月 07, 2013
明白事理的人使自己适应世界;不明事理的人想使世界适应自己。所以,所有进步都要靠不明事理的人。 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
人往往将现况归咎于环境因素,但我不相信环境因素这回事。那些出类拔萃的人会去找些他们要的环境因素,如果找不到,他们会去创造他们要的环境因素。 People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.
你和我各有一个苹果,如果我们交换苹果的话,我们还是只有一个苹果。但当你和我各有一个想法,我们交换想法的话,我们就都有两个想法了。 If you have an apple and I have an apple, and we exchange apples, we both still only have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange ideas, we each now have two ideas.
爱国主义是一种有害的、精神错乱的白痴形式。Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.
金钱的匮乏是所有罪恶的根源。Lack of money is the root of all evil.
星期日, 三月 10, 2013
--Yohji Yamamoto 山本耀司
星期日, 二月 24, 2013
Hyperion Smart View Extensions Overview
Launch the msi installation on a Windows machine with Smart View or above installed along with Office 2003, Office 2007 and Office 2010.
- Smart View or above is required for this extension to work.
- Require .Net Framework 2.0
Power Pack Quick Options extension allows users to view and change common options without having to launch the options dialog. To access this panel, from the Smart View Panel Home dropdown, select ‘Quick Options’.
Power Pack Substitution Variables extension allows users to view and use Essbase Substitution Variables in there queries. To access this panel, from the Smart View Panel Home dropdown, select ‘Substitution Variables’.
Power Pack Table of Contents extension allows users to see what workbooks are open and if they are connected or not. From the Smart View Panel Home dropdown select ‘Table of Contents’ and a panel will be displayed that allows you to see all of your connected worksheets and workbooks. In the panel the sheets can be sorted by connection, sheet name or book name.
Power Pack MDX Script Library extension allows users to view and launch MDX scripts stored on their local machine. The script results can be used as a starting point for new Essbase queries. To access this panel, from the Smart View Panel Home dropdown, select ‘MDX Script Library’.
Power Pack Member Search extension allows users to search on Essbase Members in an outline without needing to open the member selector dialog. Once found member names can be pasted in the sheet and basic member information can be displayed. To access this panel, from the Smart View Panel Home dropdown, select ‘Member Search’.
Power Pack Grid Themes extension allows users apply formatting to grids they are working out while performing operations like zoom and pivot. From the Smart View Panel Home dropdown select ‘Grid Themes’ and a panel will be displayed that allows you to select from various themes and select various options like auto adjust column widths, set the print area based on the grid and freeze panes at the data anchor cell.
Power Pack Adjust Data extension allows users to quickly make adjustment to data in a cell or range of cells. This panel will allow you to work within the sheet while making simple 1 click adjustments using common math operations. To access this panel, from the Smart View Panel Home dropdown, select ‘Adjust Data’.
Power Pack Smart Chart extension allows users ‘link’ charts with ad-hoc grids so the chart will be dynamic as a user drills or pivots. From the Smart View Panel Home dropdown select ‘Smart Chart’ and a panel will be displayed that allows you to link the charts and set the chart title including dynamic title options to display POV information.